The recommended daily dose contains:
- Garcinia Cambogia 260,000 mg
- Chicory 260,000 mg
- Red bean (extract) 260,000 mg
Garcinia Cambogia
The active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia (Garcinia Cambogia) - hydroxycitric acid (Hydroxy-citric-acid = HCA) is mainly found in the dried bark of the plant and can suppress a key enzyme in lipid metabolism, which is responsible for converting carbohydrates into fats. Garcinia Cambogia can also indirectly inhibit fat storage in the body. If a food contains more carbohydrates than can currently be used, by consuming Garcinia cambogia they are stored not as fat, but in glycogen stores in the skeletal muscles and liver, thus increasing strength and endurance.
Among the ingredients of chicory (Cichorium intybus), we should mention in particular minerals, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, provitamin A, vitamin C, but also the bitter substance intibin, which is especially important for nutritional physiology. The bitter intibin is found in the white ribs of the leaves and gives chicory its characteristic bitterness. Chicory supports digestion, liver activity and is an ideal tonic for spring.
Red bean (extract)
It contains the enzyme phaseolin, which among others inhibits (suppresses) the enzyme amylase. By this suppression of amylase, the breakdown of starch is blocked and the formation of sugar is reduced. This naturally reduces the absorption of sugar during digestion.
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