The recommended daily dose contains:
- Fish oil microencapsulation 248,000 mg
- Quinoa 100,000 mg
- Cordyceps 90,000 mg
- Reishi 30% extract 90,000 mg
- Hericium 90,000 mg
- Eleutherococcus 70,000 mg
- Ginseng (extract 15%) 70,000 mg
- Golden root (extract 1:20) 70,000 mg
- Griffonia simplicifolia 50,000 mg
- Saffron 20,000 mg
- Melon (extract) 7,000 mg
- Folic acid 0,400 mg
Fish oil microencapsulation
Fish oil contains a high concentration of Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids and is one of the most effective supplements for stimulating the immune system and preventing cardiovascular diseases. However, recent research has linked fish oil use to improved brain function, including mood in depression. It is recommended to take fish oil in combination with Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus) against spring fatigue, as they mutually enhance their action. However, it is not as well known that fish oil also improves joint movement due to the ability of omega 3 acids to reduce inflammation and stop the development of osteoarthritis. Fish oil is specially microencapsulated to prevent oxidation of fatty acids and preserve their beneficial properties.
Quinoa, also known as "gold of the Incas", is a generous source of fiber, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, biotin and folic acid. This complex, in turn, has an extremely positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Quinoa seeds also contain all the amino acids that are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, as well as a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3. They are also rich in phosphorus, iron, zinc, sodium and potassium.
Cordyceps is a type of ancient mushroom growing at an altitude of up to 4,000 m above sea level, which acquires its unique healing properties when there is a severe lack of oxygen.
Cordyceps is strong antioxidant, which has a regulating effect on the nervous system, helps with insomnia and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain. It stimulates the immune system, regulates cholesterol levels, actively fights free radicals and diseases of the respiratory system and protects the liver.
Cordyceps is popular among athletes and sportsmen because it stimulates the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the body, increases aerobic capacity during training and increases muscle strength and energy.
Reishi 30% extract
Reishi is a mushroom with adaptogenic properties that has a pronounced anti-stress effect. Reishi is a powerful antioxidant that contains many amino acids, vitamin B1, B2, B3 and D. It has a positive effect for uplifting the mood, achieving peace of mind and against chronic or seasonal fatigue. In addition, Reishi mushrooms are known for their antibacterial, antiviral and anti-allergic activity. They are used as an aid in malignant diseases and contribute to the good functioning of the cardiovascular system.
The lion's mane or Hericium mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) is one of the strangest looking mushrooms in the world and has many medicinal properties. Hericium has nerve-regenerating properties, which are expressed in stimulating the growth of neurons. It has an extremely positive effect on stress, nervous tension, depression, Alzheimer's, anxiety and a state of fear. Suitable as an aid in malignant diseases, relieves the side effects of chemotherapy, regulates diseases of the gastrointestinal system, the immune system and helps with infections of any origin.
Eleutherococcus, also known as Siberian ginseng, is registered as adaptogen and a powerful immunostimulator. It enhances mental and physical performance, concentration and stimulates the central nervous system, fights stress, relieves states of fatigue, depression, neurosis and climax, mitigates post-traumatic shock, helps with insomnia, increases immune defense and normalizes blood pressure. It helps the body to recover after serious illnesses and surgical interventions. It is also useful as an aid in malignant diseases, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, intoxications, allergic reactions and fungal diseases.
Although the intake of the product has an overall effect improving the quality of sleep, it should not be taken right before bed, as it has a stimulating and energy-increasing effect.
Ginseng (extract 15%)
Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) is a plant rich in saponins, glycosides, and vitamin C, B1 and B2. Ginseng is excellent adaptogen and restorative agent that reduces stress tension and increases the body's defenses.
Improves memory and cognitive abilities, tones, removes nervous fatigue, helps with insomnia and nightmares, strong fear, easy forgetting, vertigo, and exhaustion. Also useful as an aid in malignant diseases.
The active ingredient - ginsenosides - increase alertness and mental clarity and help with frequent mood swings.
Golden root (extract 1:20)
Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) is a plant with powerful adaptogenic properties that grows on the sandy, stony, cold and dry soils of the Siberian mountain slopes and which was used by the Greek physician Dioscorides (77 BC) as a superfood for more strength and endurance, protection from disease, longevity and for better brain activity.
The plant has a proven antidepressant effect and helps to stimulate the nervous system, to eliminate chronic or seasonal fatigue. Thanks to the energetically active compounds - rosavins and salidrosides contained in the Golden Root, the plant supports energy cell metabolism and stimulates the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate in the mitochondria - the cells' energy stores. Used by athletes before competing for more energy, increasing physical endurance and to restore muscle tone after exercise.
The golden root has an extremely stimulating effect on memory, concentration, visual and auditory perception, helps to easily adapt the mind and body in a changing environment and shows positive effects as a concomitant treatment of malignant diseases. It plays an important role in stimulating the immune system and helps the body fight allergy symptoms more easily. Note: Extremely concentrated extract - 5% rosavins, 3% salidrosides with a high extraction ratio: 1:20, i.e. 1 kg of extract is made from 20 kg of herb.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Golden root works by reducing the concentration of certain stress-inducing metabolites in the body, such as corticotropin (also known as corticotropin-releasing factor or CRF), which increases mental fatigue.
Golden root is also known to normalize menstrual activity in women suffering from amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and significantly support fertility and reproductive abilities. The plant improves the condition of men suffering from dysfunction of the sexual system. In Siberia, Rhodiola rosea is recommended both to people suffering from problems with the sexual system and to those who simply want to significantly improve their abilities in this regard. Therefore, symbolically, on the first wedding night, the newlyweds are usually given a bouquet of golden root.
Griffonia simplicifolia
Griffonia simplicifolia is a climbing shrub whose seeds contain 5-hydroxytryptophan. It is an important building block in the human body, which can only be obtained through food. Most of the received 5-hydroxytryptophan in the brain cells is converted into serotonin, which is believed to be responsible for the feeling of happiness. Serotonin transmits nerve impulses between brain cells. Its consumption leads to increased anxiety, irritability, depression and migraines. Taking 5-hydroxytryptophan leads to an increase in serotonin levels, which has a beneficial effect on mood, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia and work ability.
Saffron, extracted from Crocus sativus (Crocus Sativus), is one of the oldest spices known to mankind. In addition, saffron is a powerful antioxidant with antidepressant properties that has been successfully used in the fight against cancer. Saffron is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, B6, B9, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and potassium. It also helps with insomnia, digestive and respiratory problems.
Melon (extract)
Melon contains vitamin C, E, provitamin A, potassium, lycopene, etc. Reduces cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, expands coronary vessels. Lycopene, in turn, is necessary for the normal growth and development of cells, as well as for their specialization to perform various functions in the body. A number of studies prove that taking lycopene reduces the risk of tumors of the prostate, uterus, mammary gland, lung and digestive tract. Taking lycopene reduces the risk of heart disease and activates the immune system.
Folic acid
Vitamin B9 is much better known by the chemical name "folic acid". Like all vitamins of the group, folic acid supports the metabolism of substances and energy of the cells of the body. In addition, folic acid performs important functions in cell division and cell growth. The building of genetic material, red blood cells and muscles function smoothly with only folic acid. Anemia, skin changes and difficult wound healing can be manifestations of a lack of folic acid or vitamin B9. During pregnancy, consistent coverage of daily needs is generally recommended, as abnormalities in unborn babies are associated with a lack of folic acid. Folic acid can have a positive effect on blood vessels, and therefore there should be enough of it in case of cardiovascular diseases. Vegetables are a valuable supplier of folic acid. Especially spinach, cabbage, broccoli and tomatoes contain a lot of it. But also whole grains, eggs, wheat germ and soy products contribute to an adequate supply of folic acid. Depending on the particular food product, the absorption of folic acid in the intestine differs. Folic acid deficiency is more common than previously thought. Folic acid supplements can be a useful addition to food. Folic acid increases appetite, is effective against anemia and protects against birth defects, parasites in the digestive system and food poisoning. It provides a good texture to the skin and acts as an analgesic to relieve pain. It also improves the production of breast milk and counteracts the loss of hair color.
Мартина Иванова –
Много добър продукт. Като го пия редовно, доста по-спокойно приемам натоварването в офиса и определено спя по-добре. Пристъпите на паника също така са доста по-малко… Според колежката даже се усмихвам по-често 😉
Габриела Беремска –
Много съм доволна. Помага ми да се справя с изключително натовареното и изпълнено със стрес и предизвикателства ежедневие. Пия го редовно:)
Ирина –
Да си призная дълго време се чудех дали да започна да взимам хранителни добавки, дали те наистина помагат, дали не е просто “пласебо ефект”. Но положението ставаше все по-зле и реших да потърся алтернативен вариант. Вече 3 месеца взимам Good Better Best и определено виждам разликата. На 27 години съм и преди година преживях изключително травмиращо събитие и все още се боря със страха, паник атаките, безпокойството и депресията. Не можех да спя нормално и се надявах на чудо и малко облекчение. Не мога да променя случилото се, но в момента се чувствам много по-добре и съм приятно изненадана, че Good Better Best помага. Спя по-добре, имам повече енергия и отново се усмихвам. Върнахте ми вярата, че пак мога да съм нормална, благодаря ви!
Елена Димитрова –
Ползвам продукта от няколко месеца и съм много доволна. Имах проблеми със съня, бях напрегната и изнервена. От известно време се чувствам много добре, умората я няма, тъй като вече спя по- добре.
Мария Георгиева –
Вече цяла година ползвам good- better – best .Преди това пиех антидипресанти, но те си имат и странични ефекти и много ми се искаше да ги спра. Много се радвам, че попаднах на този продукт, защото ми помага да преодолея ежедневния стрес, без да се тровя с химия.
avi_arch –
Много добър продукт. Върна ми силата и енергията, които се бяха “изпарили” 🙂 Не съм и толкова раздразнителна вече.
А.Узунова –
Изключителен продукт. Пия го вече 3 месеца, a ефект имаше още след първия.
Стресът и напрежението изчезнаха.
Горещо го препоръчвам.
Емилия Йорданова –
Продукта имаше ефект за мен с първата опаковка! Доволна съм!
Мария Деянова –
Последните няколко години стресът и напрежението на работното място се отразиха на съня, концентрацията и паметта ми. Приемам добавката редовно от няколко месеца и се чувствам по-спокойна и проблемите със съня изчезнаха.